Friday, January 18, 2013

Enabling USB host mode at boot in Vegabean

Vegabean last release was Beta6. I am using it right now, it's a nice ROM although a bit slower than Vegacream.
Some people still have problem with their touchscreen when installing whatever custom ROM, including this one. When faced with this, mouse or keyboard from usb port could come handy, but the default mode for usb in this build is "peripheral", which means: no mouse, or keyboard will be recognized at the usb port.

Enabling usb host mode is easy using shuttle tool, but frustrating when you don't have your touchscreen work. So, maybe it's better to set it to host mode by default.

In Vegacream beta 2.1 you can use this approach I post earlier, but in vegabean you cannot. You'll need to remount your /system read+write enabled in order to do that, so:

1. Open Terminal Emulator
2. Enter the following:

xx@anroid:/$ su

xx@anroid:/$ mount -o remount,rw /system

xx@anroid:/$ echo "echo 1 > /sys/usbbus/host_mode" >> /etc/

xx@anroid:/$ mount -o remount,ro /system

xx@anroid:/$ exit

xx@anroid:/$ exit

reboot your tablet with the host mode enabled by default.

Any problem, please comment away!


  1. Mas, numpang tanya..(sorry for not using english)

    saya pake zyrex onepad juga yang wifi only. sudah instal vegabean update 8, so far so good, gada masalah sih. cuma yang bikin gatel, kok saya tetep gak bisa remount "/system" supaya jadi rw ya?

    trik di atas udah saya tes, dan sukses bikin "Host mode" default enable sehabis booting. tapi tetep tidak bisa bikin file system jadi read write enable. saya ingin meng-uninstall file2 bawaan yang di /system/app, karena selain makan RAM juga banyak makan space di ROM. mohon solusinya.. makasih mas.

    1. setelah

      mount -o remount,rw /system

      pada saat itu /system sudah read+write mode, buktinya anda bisa menulis ke file

      untuk file yang berada di /system/app mungkin tidak sesederhana itu cara "membuangnya". Saya sendiri belum bisa membantu. Silahkan rujuk ke para master di tabletROms atau XDA.

  2. hi
    i am having trouble getting my usb to recon my keyboard ...i have
    vegabean beta 6 ...model num
    4.2.1 vers
    3.1.10 vegacream
    a bit confused and searched for any help seem to be the man with the plan? any advice please?
    thanks lisa x

    1. have you tried the above? Make sure your tablet's USB port in "host mode". Open the shuttle tools and see if USB is host, not peripheral.

  3. Hi, I have the same problem. My touchpanel is broken. So, i need put my tablet in usb host mode and work its with a mouse (sorry for my english).
    I have a PC with Windows 7. How can i make this over Windows?: (xx@anroid:/$ su
    xx@anroid:/$ mount -o remount,rw /system) etc?
    My touchpanel is broken and i only can drive my tablet with a mouse...

    Thank you!!

    1. Hi Ober, you can utilize adb from Android SDK.
